Sometimes, we all need a little push outside of our comfort zone, right? Sometimes, you’ve just gotta “rip out the page,” right?! Yesterday, Mona Raglow invited me to go there ?

Mona is the queen of organizing thoughts and plans into a format that helps you track to-do’s, recognize your achievements, plan ahead, etc. She’s also the “Queen of Implementation.” The #MonaPlanner was designed to help people make the best use of their time and be more effective. She’s a member of Central Exchange and an ambassador for women.

As we were talking today, I was sharing how I’d not found the “perfect” way to track my notes, action items and ideas. I want it all in one place – in one book. She asked about the book I was using and my reply was, “but I can’t rip out this page because it’s not perforated and it will leave torn and uneven edges.” I like to take the notes and put them in their respective folder to have them for later reference. Having jagged edges -ahhhh! Can’t do that!!

Mona said, “what would happen if you ripped out the page?” Well… despite the discomfort of scraggly paper parts in my notebook and on the page, I did it. And guess what? There were no scraggly edges. In this super simple example and situation, there’s a big lesson we can all be reminded of.

1) Things aren’t always what you think they are or what they “may” be. Let it be what it is. It just may bring you a smile and a new opportunity.

2) Stop with the perfect already. Enjoy the journey, which includes the straight and jagged edges.

3) Lean on your friends. The world is such a better place when we experience it together.

4) There’s more than one way to do things. Don’t be afraid to shake it up a bit from time to time. You’ve got to find the right music for your choreography of life… listening to a few options before making a commitment is a good idea.

Thanks for the great morning, Mona. Cheers to ripping out the page!

#LifeLessons #WomenofCentralExchange