Resiliency allows us to live well under pressure, adjust and adapt to changes, and bounce back from setbacks. Resilience is both a mindset and a practical skill. It’s crucial in leadership and life. And in 2020, guess what? There’s no better time to practice our resiliency than now. 

Let’s go. 

1) Set realistic expectations for yourself 

High achievers tend to set the bar for themselves quite high. Between work, life, and family, you may start your day with a laundry list of to-dos, only to find yourself exhausted and disappointed when the day ends. Be realistic with yourself. Just because you didn’t cross off that task doesn’t mean you failed. You spent that time with your family and prioritized an important work project, instead. Flip the script from a mindset of “must-dos” to a gratitude mindset of “get-to-dos.” 

2) Evaluate your time 

During the pandemic, we’ve all felt like we’re in a time warp — whether time is speeding by or crawling along at a snail’s pace. Believe it or not, we still have the same 24 hours in a day. While there are so many things outside your control, how you spend your time is one thing that is within your control. Check in with yourself on how your daily life is aligning with your core values. If there is misalignment, where can you recalibrate? If you feel like you’re doing well, where can you celebrate and acknowledge your success? 

3) Communicate often 

Communication has shifted dramatically due to the pandemic. The small hallway chats you once took for granted are now gone. Gone too are the in-person networking events (though, there are still virtual events!) and grabbing group coffee. Now more than ever it’s important to be intentional with communication and check in with teammates. Whether it’s a regularly scheduled meeting or a quick drop-in, keep lines of communication open. And you don’t have to be a higher-up to do this. Step up and take on the role of leadership by initiating regular communication. Discover what your teammate’s preferences are — do they prefer knowing in advance? Video call or audio? Remember communication goes both ways. Be sure to ask for help when you need it, and communicate with empathy and honesty. 

4) Focus on wellness 

Your mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional wellness matters. You probably already know this, but it becomes even more important during uncertain times. Again, do a gut check on how things are going so you can make a plan to increase wellness in your life. A “wellness plan” doesn’t have to be daunting or complex. Implement one wellness practice that centers you during your day or week. Maybe it’s meditating 10 minutes a day or doing a YouTube dance workout with your kiddos. Whatever your goal, communicate your wellness practice to your partner or a close friend. Relationships increase wellness, so stay in touch with those you love. And if you’re feeling anxious or depressed, reach out to resources such as online counselors to partner with you. You are not alone. 

5) Explore creativity 

When we’re younger, we spend an incredible amount of time playing and discovering. Why not now? As it gets colder outside, take time to reduce stress by tapping into your creative side. Play an instrument, explore new art, paint-by-the-numbers, bake a new pie, take creative photos, sing, watch a documentary … the possibilities are endless. Find what brings you joy. Remember to be creative in your work as well. Take time to brainstorm and think outside of the box about problems that your organization faces. Mindmap, research, and dream. Creativity builds resiliency. 

6) Give grace for yourself & others 

Ultimately, now is the season to give grace to yourself and others. We often have an internal dialogue going on that is self critical. It’s time to be kind to yourself. This is an unprecedented global pandemic. Remember the reality we are living in. Don’t let that reality make you anxious, but do let it spur an abundance of grace for yourself and others. Maybe a teammate is late to a call because she has her kiddos at home. Maybe you’re feeling tired not because you’re lazy, but because the seasons are changing. Grace. It’s a gift you can freely give. 

Community is one of the greatest ways to build resiliency. At Central Exchange, we forge meaningful relationships that help you grow. We’d love you to join us at one of our many upcoming events