Over the course of the marketing campaign for the 2022 Midwest Leadership Summit 29 individual emails were sent to 4 categories: invitations to purchase tickets, invitations to sponsor the event, pre-event emails to attendees, and follow-up emails to attendees after the event. This does not include mentions or banners in Central Exchange’s bi-weekly eNews.

Each individual email was sent to 44 – 6,864 email addresses depending on which segment received the email. There were 4 main email segments including, current CX members, previous Summit attendees, previous Summit sponsors, and non-members who are in the system.  Click on each segment in the buttons below to view the Constant Contact preview of each email.  On average, each email had a 36.91% open rate and a 19.65% click-to-open rate.  Overall, Central Exchange considered this to be a very successful email campaign.

Invitations To Purchase Tickets

Email 1

All CX Members
Non-Members Who Previously Attended Summit
Non-Members Who Have Never Attended Summit

Email 2

All CX Members
All Non-Members

Email 3

All Segments Except Emerging Leaders
Past AND Present Emerging Leaders

Email 4

All Segments Who Clicked On Prior Emails

Invitations To Become A Sponsor

Email 1

Previously Sponsored Summit
Never Sponsored Summit

Email 2

All Segments

Email 3

All Segments

Email 4

All Segments

Pre-Event + Follow-Up Emails

Pre-Event Emails

Pre-Summit Learnshop Reminder – Virtual Attendees
Know Before You Go To Summit – In-Person Attendees

Follow-Up Emails

Thank You For Attending

Post-Summit Learnshops

Learnshop #1 Invitation
Learnshop #2 Invitation